Governance and Policies

Our Governance structure ensures there are clear reporting lines and explicit requirements to ensure outstanding performance.
The Great Academies board is comprised of people who are successful in their current fields of employment and united in a shared commitment to support and challenge the leadership team and all of its schools to be the best they can be.
Great Academies has a clear scheme of delegation and places much responsibility in each schools Local Governing Committee, so called because each LGC is a committee of the full Board.
The Board also has five other committees; Outcomes Board; SCITT Board; Finance and Resources; Audit and Risk and Remuneration. Sub-committees are established and called as required.
Governance is serviced by a full-time governance officer who is also responsible for GDPR and compliance, and as the Trust grows the intent is to extend this service. Each academy has a Data Protection Officer guided and supported by the Governance/Compliance Officer. We use the Sentry MIS to co-ordinate records of all GDPR instances and processes.
LGCs meet six times through the year and follow a standardised core agenda, with scope to adapt the agenda to suit the context and activity in each academy.
LGCs are well-supported through induction for new members and on-going offer of high-quality training and development.
Great Academies benefits from membership of the National Governors Association which includes the Learning Link online training package, the Confederation of School Trusts and The Key for Governors, School Leaders and MAT professionals.